Ecological Footprint

Sustainability is not fashionable, it is an important commitment for FDG – Fiação da Graça, SA.

Therefore, we seek to provide our teams with pertinent and up-to-date training and information.
On the 16th and 17th of July 2024, we participated in a Workshop organized by ATP – Associação Têxtil Portuguesa on how to implement a sustainability strategy.

Topics such as:

  • Sustainability concepts and strategies
  • Framework for sustainability in the Textile Sector
  • Carbon Footprint

Leveraged by this training, we internally reinforced the knowledge of a large team of employees. We are aware that working on sustainability within companies is quite challenging, far from a linear path.

7 main stages stand out:

  • Prepare
  • To know
  • Commit
  • Plan & Act
  • Monitor & Improve
  • Report
  • Involve (internally and externally)

And… keep in mind that the objective is for the company to no longer have a “Sustainability Strategy”, but rather for Sustainability to become an integral and intrinsic part of the company’s global Strategy

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